Thursday, October 30, 2008

Selamat Pengantin Baru...My Bro...

Salam...dh lme x pn curi2 mse je...nnt la ye sy update lg...
Di kesempatan ni sy nk ucap SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU to my bro..n x lpe juga mengalu-alukan kehadiran kakak ipar sy dlm family ktorg...semoga berbahagia ke akhirnya...AMIINN..

nak tengok gmbr diorg? klik sini

p/s:- sy x smpat nk karang pjg2...nk wat report...hehe(alasan)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Hari ni..


arini klas mcm td pas sbuh trtdo..ish2...x elok dah g klas lwt...
klas petang td..blaja wat kat lab..yang best nye td lectrr ckp sok test cancel..hehe,...leh prepare lg...alhamdulillah....

emm....pagi td br je check email...pastu tgk de email from mr rusly from PROTON about my FYP...he sent me data about steel coil delivery performance...but he ask me to go to PROTON again this wednesday to meet person in charge in this this wednesday is my 4th meeting with PROTON...emm..i'm so xcited to do this project...bcoz i can learn from our national car kejayaan saya ye..hehe...

Jmpe lg....

FYP ku....

@ PROTON Holdings Berhad

The following performance criteria should be initiated to achieve a reduction in cycle time:

  • > Thoroughly train key personnel in all aspects of cycle time reduction and quick response.
  • > Quantify the business impact of cycle time reduction and quick response.
  • > Organize and train multi-functional teams to shorten cycle time for all manufacturing, non-manufacturing and administrative processes.
  • > Map all supply chain processes, clearly identifying value added and non-value added activities, bottleneck, queues, cycle times, etc.
  • > Specifically define the barriers preventing you from achieving reductions in cycle time, and have an action plan to remove these barriers.
  • > Actively work with key vendors to achieve mutually agreed upon goals for cycle time reduction.
  • > Reduce lot sizes, changeover times and queues in all areas.
  • > Heavily weigh primary performance measurements and reward systems toward fast, on-time customer response.
  • > Precisely predict your delivery leadtime for customers and/or replenish inventories.
  • > Ensure that leadtimes are equal to or less than what your customers need and want.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Berdiri Ku Disini....Jejak Cinta

Berdiri aku disini
Menatap mentari terbit lagi
Membawa cahaya menerangi hari
dan saat itu masih ku nanti

Kita sama punya cita
Yang menunggu dihadapan sana
Biarpun berliku ditempuh jua
Cekal dan tabah azimat jiwa

Tika ujian datang menduga
Tiada berputus asa dan kecewa
Andainya rebah bangkit semula
Berserah mengharap RahmatNya

Sama melangkah seiringan
Mengejar sebuah impian
Dengan semangat keyakinan
Menuju ke arah kejayaan
Bertekad penuh keazaman
gemilangkan pasti digenggaman

Jangan lupa memohon padanya
Tawakal bordoa sentiasa
Dialah penentu segala
Apa dikurnia ada hikmahnya

Disana tiada jalan yang mudah
Hanya yang sabarkan terus melangkah
Berbekal keimanan didada
dan usaha pasti akan berjaya...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A CUP....

A group of working adults got together to visit their University lecturer.

The lecturer was happy to see them. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. The Lecturer just smiled and went to the kitchen to get an assortment of cups - some porcelain, some in plastic, some in glass, some plain looking and some looked rather expensive and exquisite.

The Lecturer offered his former students the cups to get drinks for themselves.

When all the students had a cup in hand with water, the lecturer spoke: "If you noticed, all the nice looking, expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal that you only want the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. What all you wanted was water, not the cup, but we unconsciously went for the better cups." "Just like in life, if Happiness is Water, then the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold/maintain Happiness in Life."

"If we only concentrate on the cups, we won't have time to enjoy/taste the water in it."

Friday, October 10, 2008


assalamualaikum...bersua kembali...semua student ipt now especially final year student mst tgh bz wat FYP @ final year pn cmtu gak...emm...agk pening gak nk pk bnd ni, pe2 pn perjuangan mst d truskan...pengorbanan tu penting utk kita capai matlamat kita...semua org de matlamat..matlamat setiap org de kalanya sama..tapi cara utk capai matlamat tu mungkin berbeza...satu yang kna ingat ialah....marilah kita sme2 niatkan agar matlamat tu lillahitaala ...kerana Allah...kita sebagai hambaNYA yg lemah mst slalu berdoa padNYA agr kita dpermudahkan dalam setiap usaha yg kte lakukan...x ksh la nmpk susah atau senang....

usaha + tawakkal + doa = KEJAYAAN.....

so gudluck in ur FINAL YEAR PROJECT to all IPTA/IPTS final year students....


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

JENAN 9903



Bersua kembali di arena maya...setelah lme menyepi...cuti raya...sbnrnya bkn je...heheh..pe2 pn kpd semua selamat kembali menjalani rutin harian sebagai student / pekerja...emm...klu korg tgk ats tu suggestion (my design) utk logo Batch 9903 SM Sultan Abdul Halim..salah sebuah Sek Berasrama Penuh (SBP) kat, especially to all x-student JENAN9903 plz leave ur comment about diz logo...i'll try to design car sticker soon..

diz my email :
YM : real_sage7

hope we can work 2gether to make our batch 'alive'....gud luck....
